S1E156 – 20240326 – Tuesday Topics – focusing on you! What are your plans for your vacation, What will you be doing in the summer, and what will you be doing for fun.

You are crucial for Tuesday Topics tonight!
Usually by Wednesday mornings our podcast is available from your usual sources.

So far this year our crew has tackled serious subjects like history, employment, awards and leadership building. We all decided two things after the show
this week. First we decided that we would take a break from earthshaking matters of moment and focus instead on you! What are your plans for your vacation?
What do you like to do during the Summer? Are you a baseball fan? Do you listen to your team on radio? Do you have some specific memories of that? What
else do you like to do these days for fun? What was the last game you played?

If none of these subjects turn you on we have another option for you! For our second hour we think we are going to make it your turn! You get to call in
and talk about anything you like within reason! We are not interested in the mating habits of South African cockroaches though maybe you can persuade us
it’s an important subject. However we really do want to open the mike for you to raise any question you like with us! Your comment or question can be earthshaking
or just about you! You are the boss!

We really need you to be ready with topics for Tuesday. Only two out of the five producers of Tuesday Topics can sing. The other three of us are a danger
to ourselves and others and should not be given the chance to destroy ear drums. Save us from ourselves by calling into Click the link below to join the

Find out more at https://acb-tuesday-topics.pinecast.co