Main Menu 28 Jan 2009

This week, we begin the show by hearing all about a new show coming soon to ACB Radio Mainstream. Next, we have a tutorial from Lynn White about Station Playlist, software for internet radio broadcasters. Finally, Aaron Linsin tells us how to connect the Braille Note Empower to the internet using wi-fi.

Main Menu 14 Jan 2009

This week, we here a very interesting presentation about Dectalk. Next, Stephen Guerra tells us about a new talking clock. Finally, Mathew Horspool tells us all about liquid level indicaters.

Main Menu 07 Jan 2009

On this week’s Main Menu, Jorjan Hanssen tells us about the new Edirol r09HR, Jamie Pauls brings us an interview about a new Braille display petition, Shane Davidson tells us all about Twitter, and Jess Smith tells us how to install Mobile Speak.

Main Menu 31 Dec 2008

This week on Main Menu we will hear from Mitch Pomerantz, who has a message for us for the new year. We will then hear about an online servay on screen readers, and our feature presentation will be an interview with Greg Brayton and a virtual tour of his studio, where Greg walks us through … Read more

Main Menu 10 Dec 2008

This week on Main Menu we will feature the second part of the Sonar audio editing tutorial given by Jorgen Hansson from Sweden, and edited by Jamie Pauls.

Main Menu 03 Dec 2008

This week on Main Menu we’ll have part 2 of Chrissie’s review of the Freeview TV and radio receiver, and we’ll also have the first part of an extensive Sonar tutorial done by Jorgegn Hansson, and edited by Jamie Pauls.